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I have suffered with migraine for over 40 years but for the past 3 years they have turned into cluster migraines, which means when I get one it lasts about 3 or 4 months 24/7 and on a scale of 1-10 it is between an 8-10 always. I constantly feel dizzy, light headed, and nauseous.
I wake up with it then go to bed with it. I have been having the head injections for 2 years, after 2 days it comes back. It has caused my travel sickness to quadruple in intensity, my restless leg syndrome has become so much worse.
Over the years after every scan or MRI I have had said everything was normal. Normal, what's normal about being in agony for months at a time? I cannot even leave the house, my social life is none existent anymore, I am depressed all the time. Something must be wrong because this cannot be normal.
Does anyone else suffer this badly?

  1. I'm so sorry to hear that your cluster headaches have gotten worse over the past 3 years There are a variety of treatment options which are available for cluster headaches, some of which differ from the treatment of migraine. It may be beneficial to see a neurologist who specializes in the treatment of migraine and headache disorders to get accurate treatment if you are not already. While most neurologists can treat migraine, they don't specialize in it, and may not be able to provide the nuanced care that you're looking for. You can also read more about one of our writer's experience meeting with a specialist for the first time, and how much of a difference it has made for her here: You can also read about potential treatments for cluster headache here:

    Please know that you are not alone with this, and that other people have been in similar situations as you before. Hopefully more people will chime in the conversation soon so you can hear more about their experience.

    Wishing you well, - Cody (Team Member)

    1. - Thank you so much for sharing some of your journey with us. In addition to the helpful information provided by Cody, I wanted to also share this link in which community members share their experiences with cluster. I hope this may help you feel less alone and connected to a wider community of people who are living with this condition. Be sure to read the comments that follow the piece: Lastly, if you're interested in perusing our complete list of resources on cluster - here is a link to that: We are honored that you are a part of our community. Please stay in touch and know we are here for you. Warmly- Holly team.

      1. Yes. Had that for about a decade now.

        I had a Greater Occipital Nerve Block a few years back that helped significantly, not enough, but definitely a great impact, maybe talk to your doctor about the possibility / viability. Idk if it would even be avaliable for you, bit it couldn't hurt to ask, and it helped me.

        1. Great tip! I know a lot of people who get these types of blocks on a regular basis to help manage intractable migraine attacks or cluster. Glad it worked for you and thank you for sharing this approach. Warmly- Holly team.

      2. I am pleased you got some relief and thank you so much, I will have a chat with my doctor.

        1. Wonderful! Please let us know how it goes if you end up trying that approach. Warmly- Holly team.

        2. Also- here's some first-hand experiences with occipital nerve blocks if you'd like to learn more: Be sure to look at the comment section where people share their wisdom on the topic. Warmly- Holly team

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