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MRI results

I recently had an MRI done and read,my neurologist said that what they saw was normal for someone with chronic migraines,these findings were little white lesions all over my brain which she explained could've been caused from vessels breaking and scarring. I was told not to worry,but I do,I seem to be forgetting simple things,and sometimes I can't even finish a sentence because I'll forget what I'm talking about or what simple word is. Does anyone know,do these so called harmless lesions cause long lasting effects?

  1. The short answer is that no one really knows. Forgetfulness, word loss, and losing concentration are very common complaints in migraineurs, even between attacks. Think about it -- can you focus when in pain? Can you think clearly when recovering from illness? Migraineurs (especially if chronic) are constantly in pain or recovering from attacks. Something's gotta give.

    To learn more about these lesions, check out this article:

    And your doctor is right. Try not to worry. 😀

    1. Thanks Tammy, I'll read the article tonight.

      1. So far, studies have shown the white matter lesions to be no cause for concern and not responsible for lingering effects. Research is still in the early stages, but what's been found so far is promising.

        Even beyond the pain, cognitive impairment (like trouble finding words, feeling dumb or having brain fog) is a symptom of migraine of it's own. Migraine affects multiple different parts of the brain, so it makes sense that it would temporarily impair thinking. Cognitive impairment can last beyond the severe pain and into the migraine hangover (postdrome). Some people report postdrome lasting as long as a week (though it is usually only a day or two). If your attacks are frequent, you could be still recovering from the first when the next one hits, so you never see a break in your cognitive issues.

        Also, Topamax, a migraine preventive, is notorious for causing cognitive troubles. If you happen to be taking it, it could be the culprit.


        1. I wanted to ask if anyone in the group has also been diagnosed with a pineal cyst? I recently found out that I have a pineal cyst and most of the neurologists that I have come into contact with say it is nothing to be concerned about. However, how can anything foreign large or small that is not supposed to be in the brain or areas near the brain not impact it in some way? Thank you for your time.


          1. Mgomez0815,
            I can understand how you would be alarmed to know there's a cyst in your brain and wonder why the doctor doesn't think its a big deal. If you are not showing any outward signs that the cyst is impairing your normal functions, then most likely the doctor believes there is a greater risk in taking it out as opposed to leaving it alone.

            Typically pineal cysts do not grow in size, but keeping an eye on it in the future via MRIs is probably a good practice. The pineal gland makes melatonin which helps regulate sleep. "In the rare circumstance where a pineal cyst does cause symptoms, it may cause headaches, hydrocephalus, eye movement abnormalities, and Parinaud syndrome," according to this website:

            Again, most likely your pineal cyst will not cause problems now or in the future, but being aware of the symptoms and keeping an eye on it is a best practice.

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