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My Fellow Suffers.

How is Everyone Today? A doggy subject for some I know as the U.K is such a Post Code Lottery when it comes to Health and Migraine. Let me introduce myself. I am Susan. A Senior who has inherited my migraine from my mother. No one mentioned migraine in those days. It was known as a sick headache. I can remember as a child playing outside looking upstairs at my mother’s window seeing the curtains drawn and my dad saying “Don’t disturb your mother today”. I also remember wetting my fringe as the cold lessened childhood headaches - but that is how it went in those days. I only got officially diagnose in the Spring of 2021 towards the end of Lock Down after decades of antibiotics being treated for Sinusitis (How wrong can anyone be). I have come along way these 4 years though Trial Tribulation Tears of Pain and Frustration Failures and eventually Success. (CGRP) I Sincerely Hope You All out there are reaching the end of your migraine journey and for those who have not let me say there IS Help out There. Do your research and do not feel abandoned. Susan. xxx

  1. This is beautiful, Susan! - Thank you so much for opening your heart and mind to give of yourself to others here! We are lucky to have you with us. What a relief it must've been to finally have received a proper diagnosis after years of suffering and receiving improper treatment. You represent hope. May I ask you to share here which CGRP you've found that is giving you such success? Warmly - Holly (team member)

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