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How do neck problems impact migraine headaches?

I have scoliosis and have had spinal surgeries to try to help with that issue. Subsequently my cervical spine is a mess. The joint spaces between 4-5-6 & 7 are really compromised. I have had some doctors tell me it shouldn't effect the severity of the migraines and others who say yes it does. Some have suggested surgery for possible help. I wanted to know if any other sufferers had a similar experience? Thank you all so much for your help.

  1. Hi there Cappucinno,
    Thanks so much for your question. I am so sorry to hear that you are struggling to receive a definitive answer regarding your neck problems and migraine. As you wait for possible feedback from the community, you may find this article useful to review (be sure to also review the comments at the conclusion) - Thanks again for reaching out! Joanna ( Team)

    1. Thank you for all the info that you have provided. I really am grateful for the answers that I get to my questions.

  2. My neck and jaw are the biggest contribution to my migraine (might even be the only factor). I have a misaligned C1. When I found a NUCCA chiropractor (works only with adjusting C1 using angles - NO twisting) I had zero migraines, zero stiffness - it was amazing, I slept great, woke with tons of energy and had zero pain in my body. Then I had jaw surgery to finalize a fix to my misaligned teeth so my severe TMJ would be gone forever. The surgeon over corrected and has caused the TMJ pain to increase exponentially, and my neck would not stay in alignment since the surgery. Slowly health deteriorated to chronic severe migraines, severe daily pain, depression and most likely Fibro. And finally a severe car accident (blacked out on the highway because of a migraine - woot woot) and ended up with whiplash on top of my lax ligaments as they were.

    I am working with a doc now that does nerve blocks and trigger point injections twice a week on me - head, jaw, neck and shoulders. It does help. I also have done prolotherapy (injecting sugar solution) and PRP (injecting platelets) into my jaw and neck joints to re start healing of my ligaments. My doctor is sure that having loose ligaments causes your body to tightened the muscles to help stableilize the neck - in the progress there are squeezing the nerves and causing them to fire pain when there shouldn't be.

    So YES your neck can be the only cause of migraines. Hope this helps you.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. It is greatly appreciated (especially knowing all the pain you are in). This is definitely good info for me to bring to the next doctor appt. I have. Thanks again, and here's hoping that all of us PAIN sufferers can someday not be!

  3. I also have neck and back problems from an accident when I was 19, I'm now 58. I've been diagnosed with cluster headaches around right eye. That usually starts in rt. cervical 1. Then it feels like an ice pick going thru my brain to the rt. eye. So yea, I believe that if your neck is messed up it can cause migraines.

    1. Thank you. Hope you will be pain free some day too.

  4. I have had chronic migraines for 5 years and am now 17. I have missed school, work, and pretty much my life. Recently I have realized a lot of soreness and stiffness in my neck. I feel like it really is connected to some of the migraines I am having now. I am not really sure how to fix it either :/
    Maybe physical therapy, acupuncture, or something along those lines...
    I wish I knew.

    1. I can only speak from my experiences with doctors and tests, but I think that you should first get an accurate diagnosis (as accurate as possible), through imaging: either MRI or CT Scan or Xray, etc. You need to know what you are treating before you decide how to treat it. I wish you the best of results leading to a better quality of life. Good Luck to you!!

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