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FB ads have me pegged, 80-90% of them aimed at migraine sufferers. There are So many companies that Know we would do nearly Anything to relieve our pain, and they are willing to take advantage. When I was still able to work and had the extra money, I tried most of it, with no success 🙁
Now living alone on Disability, I’m very cautious. I don’t trust what people say on the products website. If anyone has tried it with a success story I would love to hear it. TIA 🤗

  1. @ivbnw8n4u It's unfortunate that there are so many websites out there that tempt us migraine sufferers with a chance at relieving some or all of our issues. I know they all sound great, but I steer clear of them. My husband is on disability also so he is very sceptical and likes to just rely on his headache specialist to do what is best for him. He's on Emgality and Nurtec ODT with really good results and no real side effects to speak of as of yet. I wish I had a success story for you regarding the Facebook websites but I don't. Warmly, Cheryl migraine team member

    1. I’m so goad that is working for him. I’ve gone through all the newest meds with no lasting results 🙁 On to the next.

  2. I don't trust FB ads targeting us so I'm sticking to my meds that my drs prescribe me
    Primary-naproxen & tramadol
    Neurologist-rizatriptan, sumatriptan & topiramate
    I personally don't trust the products & wouldn't even waste my time/money

    1. I hear you. Both of you have probably heard us say before that in the end, everybody is different. For basically every migraine medication out there, you can find both positive and negative stories here on our site. And there are also plenty that are so-so. The only real way to know is to give it a chance, if you are comfortable with that. If you have questions about a specific drug, I can try to dig up some conversations from our archives about it. Let me know!

      p.s. On Facebook, there is an option to remove certain ads. I'm not sure what it looks like on a cell phone as I am using my computer for this, but you'll see three dots (...) in the upper right corner of the ad. If you click on them, you'll get a few options. One of them should say "Stop showing ads like this" or "I don't want to see this." Hope that helps!! -Melissa, team

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