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Pre migraine

I’ve had migraines since I was 5 years old. Within the last 6 months, I notice that I will have a day where I’m fighting an imaginary fight with someone. For example, I will start thinking about something that someone said to me a week ago that got me angry. In my mind, I will be thinking things like “well, if I see them again I’m going to say this to them. Then if they say something back, I’m going to say this. If they then say something back, I’m going to say this”. My mind plays out an imaginary conversation (fight) to the point where I can’t stop it. The next day I will wake up with a migraine. Has this ever happened to any of you? I also find that during a migraine, I will spell a word over and over in my mind or a part of a song just repeats itself over and over.

  1. Greetings! I love what you shared here. It's the perfect description of what is known as a migraine the prodrome (pre-migraine) of anger and irritability: You are not alone in this at all! Many of us find ourselves in the swings of emotional upheaval before a migraine and it is not until after the migraine hits that we think back and realize why we felt so strongly about this or that thing that gets stuck in our heads like a broken record: These types of symptoms (before, during and after a migraine attack) are further illustrations of the fact that migraine is a complex neurological condition- not a simple headache.

    All this said, given that you've had migraine since you were 5, and these are symptoms that have only emerged for you in the last 6 months, it is a good idea for you to reach out to your migraine doctor to discuss them with him/her. We encourage everyone to talk to their physicians about new symptoms as they arise.

    Thanks so much for sharing some of your journey with us. Keep in touch - glad you're here! Warmly- Holly team

    1. I agree with Holly that this could be the prodrome phase of a migraine attack. When this happens, it's the perfect time to take your abortive medication (if you have it) because the medication works better taken at the earliest sign of a migraine attack. You brought up a great topic!
      Peggy ( team)

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