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Can anyone advise on effectiveness of this drug and the side effects. I have been prescribed a low dosage building as we go. I suffer chronic migraines (over 10 a month). What I want to know is will this drug stop them or simply reduce the number and will the side effects outweigh the improvements if at all

  1. Hi
    Great question! Propranolol was one of the first medications the FDA approved for migraine prevention. We're heard from many who find relief with this medication.
    Here's the thing - migraine is a neurological disease that falls on a spectrum from mild to severely debilitating, currently without a cure. All the migraine prevention medications available reduce attack frequency and severity, they do not cure them 🙁.
    Having said that most of us with migraine use a combination of medications, supplements, devices, complementary therapies and lifestyle medications, I sure do!

    Something to keep in mind is when we start new medications, it can take up to 90 days (sometimes longer) at the therapeutic dose before we notice improvement in our attack frequency and severity. Not everyone will experience potential side effects - which is good news - and these potential side effects may lessen as our body adjusts to the new medication.
    We have a number of articles on this medication you can find here;

    Please let me know what you think and I'm sending you pain free wishes, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team Member

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