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Que faire pour voyager en train ?

Le bruit me donne céphalées et troubles visuels, comment pourrait je remédier à cela ?

  1. Thank you for your comment, but unfortunately right now we can only moderate in English.
    Wishing you a pain free day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team

    1. Hi - pertaining to your statement/question

      "The noise gives me headaches and visual disturbances, how could I remedy this?"

      Noise and visual disturbances are very common triggers for many in the community. And we have several articles with information that may help. Some things are to set up a quiet environment at home to help keep out noise and sound, keep a regular sleep pattern and another is to minimize light exposure by possibly using sunglasses or TheraSpecs or keeping lights low when having an episode.

      Taking a chance by dropping some links to our articles - hopefully, you read English or can translate this.

      Sending our best. Rebecca (community moderator)

      Please read our rules before posting.