Hi ,
Welcome to our discussion forum! How very kind you are to be cooking for someone living with migraine disease - that's terrific!!
I wish I knew the answer to this, but believe it depends on the person and how they react, or don't to beer being included in a dish. I think the alcohol gets cooked out, however there are other ingredients including sulfites and malt may be the culprit. I know that doesn't answer your question. Living with migraine disease is so different for each of us it really is hard to pinpoint this sort of thing. Having said that, I'm sure others will be here shortly to share their experiences with you.
A number of people with migraine have lots of food triggers, others only a few and there are some who don't have any food triggers! I don't drink beer, hate the taste, but don't mind it when used in cooking. Having said that, it doesn't trigger me.
Will you let me know how you make out?
Thank you for being such a wonderful supportive friend!
Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Advocate/Moderator