Hey guys, I'm new here... So i'll throw in a brief back story..
I have had migraines (with aura) for 11-12 years. I am currently 23 years old. I suffered very badly with health anxiety and derealization about 3 years ago. During this time i developed what seem to be Retinal Migraines.
Now, I'be never been diagnosed... I know! I know! But there is a family history so at the age of 11 my parents knew what they were and managed them. Thankfully - they aren't severe. I get a couple a month on average - but this tends to go up (not a lot) and down for no known reason. The retinal migraines happen about 4 times a year (roughly).
My main concern is my retinal migraines and I'm begging for some advice! Mine don't give me blackouts. They give me phosphenes (almost identical to pushing on your eye) and stars. They don't cover my whole vision but they do affect one eye only at the time. They last about 1-3 minutes maximum. And then i'm usually fine - sometimes a very slight headache, very slight.
I'm scared (see my health anxiety issues) that i will lose my vision from my RETINAL migraines. I read horror stories of a lot of people eventually losing vision due to these. Like i said, mine aren't extreme nor do they happen often. But it is a worry.
I live my life in worry of migraines and what they'll cause. So any guidance, help or just a chat would be much appreciated. More than you can imagine.
So that's me, i'll hang around and help others if i can 😀
All the best to you all