I began having chronic migraines (I'm guessing) a little over a year ago. They have become either numerous enough or rapid enough or something where there doesn't seem to be any break in between them anymore and reality is just one constant migraine that might ebb slightly for maybe a half hour and then returns, usually gradually over the course of 10-20 minutes. So I get maybe an hour at best for a break and then it is back to dealing with this monster some more. The last five days have all been seven or above, out of ten, on my misery scale. I've seen my PCP every week for a month, but I can't see a neurologist until February 15th. My PCP tried prescribing Magnesium, which didn't do anything, Butterbur, which does help a little, and Topamax, which I keep taking hoping it is doing something. She also suggested a nasal spray, but I really hate the feeling of nasal sprays and, if possible, would like to avoid that route.
I'm guessing I am running out of options for treatment she can provide and was wondering if there were any ideas I could bring to her for us to try? Much appreciated!