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dollarslice Member
Last Updated:
I started Ajovy twelve days ago and have had only one definite side effect, which probably falls under the "injection site reactions" they list. There was a little swelling/warmth around the injection sites (I did the three-month version which means you get three shots). And on the leg where I got two of the three shots, if I stand for more than twenty minutes or so, a big patch of the leg (around the injection sites, which were about eight inches apart) goes totally numb until I move around/walk/sit. I would recommend spreading the shots out more if you are getting the triple shot since I had no problems with the leg that only got one shot. (I guess it's possible that the needle hit a nerve or something... who knows.)
I also had one thing that might be a side effect but I'm not sure... a few days after the injection I got a pretty decent sunburn, which surprised me since it's October and I live in NYC. I was outdoors for less than two hours all day and I wasn't consistently in the sun. So I think there's a possibility that the medicine is having an effect of sun sensitivity. Not 100% sure it was the meds since it was a sunny day and I am very fair. Something to keep an eye on, anyway.
Certainly a lot less side effects than other meds I've had - I tend to be someone who gets all the side effects. I had a list of 15 side effects from topamax before I gave up on it...
Nancy Harris Bonk Member
Last Updated:
Great question! Are you experiencing this after taking one of the CGRP medications? If so I would encourage you to report it. Let me share the information on how to report adverse events;
Aimovig; To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Amgen Medical Information at 1-800-77-AMGEN (1-800-772-6436) or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or
To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Eli Lilly and Company at 1-800-LillyRx (1-800-545-5979) or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or
Ajovy: To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Teva Pharmaceuticals at 1-888-483-8279 or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or
Thank you for brining this up!
Have a good day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Advocate/Moderator
Nancy Harris Bonk Member
Last Updated:
Great question! Are you experiencing this after taking one of the CGRP medications? If so I would encourage you to report it. Let me share the information on how to report adverse events;
Aimovig; To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Amgen Medical Information at 1-800-77-AMGEN (1-800-772-6436) or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or
To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Eli Lilly and Company at 1-800-LillyRx (1-800-545-5979) or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or
Ajovy: To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Teva Pharmaceuticals at 1-888-483-8279 or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or
Thank you for brining this up!
Have a good day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Advocate/Moderator
my2thursdayboys Member
Last Updated:
I took my first injection Friday. I have been winded, sleeping non stop and had chest pain, severe migraine, dizziness upon standing and sitting upright. Went to urgent care, EKG showing PVC’s and bradycardia. I am a former heart patient - had an ablation 30 years ago, never have had bradycardia.
I hope this doesn’t last 30 days. I am to follow up with my neurologist and see a cardiologist.
I also had slight itching at the injection sight for about an hour. Minor.
Peggy Artman Member
Last Updated:
Welcome to! We are so glad you dropped by. Yes, we have members that have had similar side effects. You can probably see from this long thread! For some people, it's given them their life back and for others not so much. Have you told your doctor about these side effects? One option you have is to report these side effects to the FDA. It may be a matter of thinking about the benefits vs. the side effects.
~ Peggy ( team)
Peggy Artman Member
Last Updated:
I am concerned about you having heart pain after taking your first injection. That doesn't sound normal at all. Please seek medical care as soon as possible. Let us know how you are doing.
~ Peggy ( team)
jjoff Member
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I am entering week 4 following the first injection. My Dr. said there would not be any side effects and per literature, only minor. Immediately I began having severe constipation with cramping that lasted up to nearly a week, followed by two to three days of diarrhea. I'm on a soup diet! I'm on round three of this now! Prior to the injection I did not experience these issues. Yes, the migraines have decreased slightly but honestly, if the Ajovy is what's causing my stomach issues it's not worth it; it's that bad. I'm due for a follow-up with my Dr...until then, anyone else??
marylorraine Member
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Melissa Arnold Community Admin
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vintchic Member
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I did my second Ajovy shot 4 days ago and right now the injection site has a massive angry, swollen rash that's grown to 3 inches in diameter. I can't stand to have anything touching it, so wearing jeans is out of the question! I had a similar reaction to the first shot but it was not quite this bad. I've been searching the internet for mention of similar reactions from other users but all I find are the generic "Side Effects" list.
Right now I'm just so frustrated and upset. I had planned to use the drug for 3 months before determining if it was beneficial, but it seems my body is loudly against that idea.
I'm seriously at a loss as to what to do next and my Neurologist is only interested in handing out drugs, not actually listening to my symptoms or answering my questions.
kelgode Member
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Nancy Harris Bonk Member
Last Updated:
Thank you for sharing this with us. Happy to hear you've seen improvement since using this medication.
Will you keep us posted on your progress? Wishing you a low pain day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Advocate/Moderator