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What helps you sleep? I have weeks like this where I'm sleeping 3-5 hours a night only, and not all at once either. I'm so tired, and this is exactly the type of time where I'm likely to get a migraine.

I already take a sleep med (trazadone) and usually benadryl as well most nights. It doesn't seem to be working anymore.

I'm honestly not sure what to try at this point.

  1. Hi there - So sorry to hear you are struggling with getting a solid night's sleep. This is a fairly common issue for people living with migraine due to the way that pain and other neurological symptoms can interrupt our sleep.

    Like you, I take Trazadone to help me sleep. My doctor prescribed me 100mg and I found the best way to take it was to take half to fall asleep and then the other half when I almost always wake up in the middle of the night due to migraine pain. This seems to help me, even though it means interrupted sleep. I tried ambien years ago but it caused troublesome side effects for me.

    These resources may give you some ideas about how to manage a better night's sleep: And: And: And, finally:

    I hope you might find some helpful ideas among those articles and the community comments that follow them. Of course, reaching out to your doctor to revisit your medication approach may be of use as well.

    Thinking of you- Warmly - Holly (team member)

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