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How do you get your specialists to work together (don't laugh)

Hi--I've been recently diagnosed with a-fib. I notice a connection with migraine, which my cardiologist said is true. Doesn't it seem like doctors should communicate more with one another over joint patients, rather than being in their own separate silos? I get tired of always being the go-between. Any suggestions on that? (Other than to just suck it up, lol?)

  1. Hi - Thanks so much for bringing this topic up. It is a real struggle that many people experience. As medical providers continue to hyper-specialize in their own fields, our treatment can become more fragmented, and it can feel like they aren't cross talking with each other. And unfortunately, I can't say that there is a great solution to this that I'm aware of. You can opt to share your provider notes with other specialists if they are not in the same hub, but that doesn't mean the doctor will always have time to review it. The only other solution I can think of is taking the time to summarize your prior visits in 2-3 bullet points that you want the doctor to be aware of. You might write down what the big takeaways from the last appointment were, or what you want the other provider to be aware of. Of course, it is not a perfect solution and your post is alluding to a major problem. Let me know if this resonates with you, and if you try this approach.

    Best, - Cody (Team Member)

    1. I promise I don't mean this in a sarcastic way -- have you talked about this sense of division with your providers? Dealing with multiple chronic conditions can be tricky for them as well as for you, and it's best when everybody is on the same page. This is especially true when it comes to symptom management and medication interactions.

      It's not unheard of for providers from various specialties to consult with one another regarding a patient's care. You may want to ask for your cardiologist to connect with your GP or your neurologist, for example, or to share your medical records with that office. Please let us know what you decide to do ... I'm certain you're not the only person that has had this frustration and there has to be a way they can work with you to make things easier. We've got your back! -Melissa, team

      1. both of my doctors(GP and my neurologist) know which meds work best for me and which ones don't.. eventhough i deal with crohn's but at least its in remission(thank god),but i've had back to back migraine days-partly due to stress(insomnia with my husband),hubby has a new doctor tomorrow and he hates changes especially when it comes to his medications and i'm pretty much the same.. found out that 2 of my medications interacts(bad) with amitriptaline so i'm not taking them(still taking amitriptaline).. you know your own body a lot better than the doctors do and if your doctors aren't listening to you, you can request a different doctor who will listen, i had a doctor that i couldn't understand a word he was saying and so far, he's listening to me except for one medication-nurtec, its supposed to be taken every other day, that one don't work so, i stick with what i know

        1. Thanks for sharing how you advocate for yourself, . I also agree with your statement about self-advocacy. We are the experts of our own lives, and that expertise is invaluable during treatment for any health condition. - Cody (Team Member)

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