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Spinal and status migraines

Has anyone ever had a spinal tap done or a nerve block done

  1. Hi - Hopefully those with lived experience trying nerve blocks will chime in soon. I thought I would get you started with some relevant articles. Here's an article that discusses nerve blocks and chronic pain by , I'm also curious, are you looking for information on a specific type of nerve block? There is quite the variety, depending on which nerve is injected.

    Hope to hear some clarification from you soon so we can point you in a helpful direction! - Cody (Team Member)

    1. - Hi there- I see Cody has already gotten you started with some helpful information. I agree that hearing some clarification from you re: type of nerve block might prove helpful to direct you to more specific resources. In the meantime, I did want to encourage you to take a look at our existing resources on nerve blocks: and spinal taps: If, for any reason, these links do not show up as live links- simply go to our search bar (upper left) and type in "nerve block" and press return and you will see our list of resources on that topic. Similarly, enter "spinal tap" and press enter to see what we have on that topic. I hope that helps to get you started. Circle back with specific questions. We are here for you. Warmly - Holly (team member)

      1. A spinal tap is a bit uncomfortable, but manageable and the nerve block is helpful for pain relief.
        Each experience can vary, so it’s good to discuss details with your doctor.

        1. Hi
          Thank you for brining your questions here and joining the conversation. I've not had nerve blocks, but have had a number of spinal taps. Unpleasant and uncomfortable for sure. Having one done by a provider who does lots of them and is an expert is important. I've had them with and without fluoroscopy and prefer with.
          We have more information on spinal tabs here;
          Will you keep us posted if you have either of these procedures and how you make out?
          I'm sending you pain free wishes, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (team member)

          Please read our rules before posting.