Hello, I have experienced a disturbing migraine symptom twice in the past month. I have been talking with someone (while in the midst of a migraine) and I've suddenly realized that I'm talking with assurance and knowledge about a topic on which I know little to nothing! It's as though I've suddenly gone from rational to irrational speech. The people I was talking to may not have known at the time that I was telling them something I knew nothing about. It was really scary! And the most disturbing thing was that the last time it happened, I was teaching. I told my class something that wasn't true...afterward I felt sick to my stomach. I never intended that. It was as though I wasn't in control of my speech. I barely made it through class, the pain was so bad, but I had already missed a day of classes. Has this happened to any of you migraine sufferers? I have had trouble focusing, trouble remembering, but nothing like this.