Hey, I hope it’s ok to ask for advice / other people’s experience here.
I have had headache issues recently which are still undiagnosed and feel at a loss, like I have hit a brick wall with doctors.
It started about 3 weeks ago with a sharp pain when I touched my right temple, almost like a burning feeling that sometimes goes towards my ear/cheekbone. I then had a fairly mild headache which felt like what I’ve experienced in migraines before, which was mostly around my forehead and eyes. I then developed a strange feeling in my skin with my temple pain, hard to describe, and my headache would change throughout the day to different areas and I had nausea and dizziness.
My GP thought it might be sinus related or something to do with my nerves. I then had a blockage in my right ear which gave me bad vertigo, which went when it was treated. But still getting little bouts of dizziness and nausea. I was put on antibiotics to treat a possible sinus issue which didn’t work.
I was then referred to ENT at the hospital, they concluded it’s not an ear nose or throat issue, said they might refer me to neurology then decided not to and suggested I go back to my GP to try a month on migraine meds. However, both my GP and I aren’t sure if it is migraine.
Currently I have this weird shooting pain when I touch my temple, ringing in my ears, headaches on and off which change through the day, bouts of slight nausea and dizziness. I also get quite bad tension in my neck/shoulders which I’m not sure if that could be causing it, although I’ve had tension headaches and none have felt like this.
I know nobody here can diagnose or recommend treatments, I’m just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar, especially with the pain I have when I touch my temple. Or can suggest anything I can look up or discuss when I next talk to my GP? We were both disappointed the hospital didn’t investigate further.
Sorry for the long post! Just feeling rubbish and desperate to find out what’s wrong