I've only been suffering with migraines for the past 5 years. My migraines always have visual effects and rarely come with a headache, I start with flashes and then lose all vision in a central point which gets bigger.
In the last few years I'd been frustrated that I started having migraines after exercising. After reading about the effects of exercise on migraines I was concerned it was acting as a trigger. I stopped exercising, put on a lot of weight and became more and more miserable about the way I felt.
A year ago my 11 year old son started having headaches, they where diagnosed as being migraines. Doctors where also concerned he was diabetic as high levels of sugar where found in his urine. My son had started at a new school and we found out he was drinking two fizzy fruit drinks a day. They where marketed as one of your five a day fruit and "school friendly". I found that one of the ingredients was sucralose.
I read up a lot about sucralose and immediately found it was known as a migraine trigger and also passed through your body undigested and would be passed out in your urine. The last part explained the high sugar level in my son's urine. My son stopped drinking these fruit drinks and hasn't had a migraine since.
I also realised that whenever I was exercising I would drink a sport drink and when I checked it also contained sucralose. I've now stopped drinking them and am exercising 6 days a week without any issues from migraines.
I just wanted to add this here in case it can help anyone else as these kinds of sweeteners are being hidden away in more and more foods which are then marketed as low calorie and good for you.
Here is the page from the NHS (UK National Health Service) discussing sucralose:
Here is the study which found sucralose to be a potential migraine trigger: