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Sumatriptan and sun sensitivity

I’ve had migraines since childhood, I’m now 50.. for the last 11/12 years whenever I’ve been on holiday in the summer to a place where the sun is strong I have developed a sun rash. Over the years I have tried different thing to pinpoint the cause e.g different sunscreen, changing regular medication etc. I can only try something new once per year because if I go on holiday at a cooler time of year like spring or autumn it doesn’t seem to be a problem.
I have recently realised that I started taking sumatriptan around the same time as the rash started appearing, I can’t remember exactly when but looking at my records it was around that time. So my question is has anybody else experienced sun sensitivity, or developed a sun rash in strong sun due to taking sumatriptan?

  1. thanks for starting this conversation here. It's always helpful when we can share questions with other people who get it. First, I'm sorry to hear that you've been living with migraine for so many years - much of your life. I can relate on that note. I can also relate to experiencing migraine on vacation/holiday. It's the letdown effect for me that triggers them. I haven't experienced a rash when taking it, but it sounds like you've done quite a bit of monitoring over the years to finally be able to make the connection. If you haven't done so already, I would recommend reaching out to your doctor and/or pharmacist to see if they have any recommendations for you. For me, I've only found a sensitivity to hot water after taking it. For example if I know I need to take one, I'll wait until after I shower. I mentioned it to my headache specialist at one point, and she said "oh yeah, that's a common side effect." So, sometimes the things that we believe are unique to us, can actually be common, we just don't know it because our doctors haven't told us yet. I'm sure others will join the conversation as well to share their experience. I hope that you find helpful conversation here. Thanks again for starting the conversation.
    Alene, Team Member

    1. Thanks for your reply Arlene.

      I've just returned from our summer holiday and this is now the 3rd holiday without a rash outbreak. The first was this time last year to a very hot place, 2nd was in May so slight cooler and the 3rd and most recent was last week. So that's 2 where I would definitely have got the sun rash and one where it was less likely. As I did last year, before this holiday I limited my sumatriptan usage to almost zero in the month or so leading up to the going away and it seems to have worked. So I'm going to say, at least in my case, that using sumatriptan seems to cause me to get a sun rash in very strong sun. I've done a lot of research on different types of reactions to the sun and the closest images I can find to what mine looks like is polymorphic light eruption. I understand everyone's experiences are different but if you are having a problem like mine I hope this helps.

      1. Thank you for sharing how you've experimented with triptans and sun exposure/holidays. You're right that everyone is different- but for those who have found a tie between triptans and sun-related rashes- your experiences are beneficial to hear about. Warmly - Holly (team member)

    2. It’s rare, but sumatriptan might cause sun sensitivity or a rash for some. Check with your doctor to see if it could be the culprit and consider seeing a dermatologist. In the meantime, use high SPF sunscreen, wear protective clothing and seek shade.

      1. Thanks so much for sharing this tip, . I never knew sumatriptan could have this side effect.

        For years I took a different medication for migraines, Topamax, and experienced extreme heat intolerance. I had chronic on-going pain that nobody seemed to know what it was from. Eventually I decided with my doctor's approval to try stopping the medication and my chronic pain went away! I know many aren't as fortunate as I am, but to go through something like that for YEARS and have no doctor be able to resolve the issue was eye opening to say the least. - Cody (Team Member)

    3. I've been taking Sumatriptan for around 10 years now and haven't experienced any sun related issues. I'm in the sun a lot throughout the summer and so far so good.

      1. Glad sun rashes aren't an issue for you - especially since you are in the sun frequently. I'm assuming imitrex is working well as a rescue treatment for you? Warmly - Holly (team member)

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