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Does anyone take topiromate to prevent migraines and have you found it effective, I am reluctant to up to the final dosage and would prefer to stay on 75mg I’m also reluctant to be on it for too long as I don’t much like the side affects!

  1. , I took it about 10 years ago. It worked for me for a few years. I didn't really like how it affected my taste buds and made my face and hands feel like they were falling asleep. Shayla (, Team Member)

    1. @Sallb84 Topiromate or Topomax is one of the first medications doctors normally try as a preventative, but it does have some unwanted side effects like cognitive issues and kidney stones. My husband was on Topomax for a while at the start of his migraine journey but had to stop due to the side effects which only seemed to intensify in him as the doses got higher. It does work well for many people though and if the side effects are manageable it can be an effective drug. On the upside, it did cause my husband to lose some weight! Warmly, Cheryl team

      1. Here's a forum we have on this topic - take a look at the community feedback:
        The side effects are definitely tricky to manage and now that there are other preventative treatment options out there, it may be worth thinking about those instead.
        Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have additional questions- we are here for you. Warmly, Holly ( team).

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