I am new to this site which after over 10 years is crazy that I am only now coming on here. I am not trying to give a sob story but thought I would tell a little about myself and see what or if any advice is out here or just find people who understand! Where to begin, I started having headache's and migraines a few months after the birth of my son, I also suffer from depression and anxiety which I know is normal but what I didn't know at the beginning is just how much this pain would exacerbate my depression and anxiety. It took me 8 years to finally be approved for disability but have a review I think coming up, and I swear that since I was finally accepted as disabled all Dr's have stopped really listening and trying. I have tried every medicine and even went back in to a Nuro Dr just to see anything new they might say (lets just say she didn't have anything but to send me back to a Pain Dr). Now the Pain Dr I do understand is trying to a degree by trying a Nerve Block (made it worse), Ketamine Infusion (sent me spiraling into depression both times) and now wants to try Botox but still after months hasn't given me anything to stop my hurting every day or to help at home! I just sometimes feel like I can't live like this anymore the ER won't help, the Dr isn't really helping and I have no life, no energy, no anything left in me!
This coming week I will see a Psychology Dr at my Pain Specialist office and we are supposed to talk about Ketamine Nasel Spray (I think) and then they want to try to botox. I keep trying everything they throw at me even though I usually makes it worse at this point because I swear they make me feel like I should just be grateful that they are willing to see me!!
Trust me I had a few Dr's say I won't see you because of the medication past Dr's put me on!
Also that lovely medicine (Methadone) ruined my teeth and I don't have any way of getting them fixed even though hey are falling out!!
Any who sorry if this was way to long and I hope there are finally some people or person who understands.
Thank you