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Is Trigeminal Neuralgia Related to Migraine?

I've read articles that speak to the trigeminal nerve and it's relationship to migraine, but not whether one is connected to the other (headline question). I developed chronic migraines (post-trauma) 6-years ago. Then, suddenly trigeminal neuralgia showed up last summer (same side as 95% of migraine pain). Is there a physiological connection? I'd be interested to discover whether this has happened to anyone else.

  1. Hi Rievaulx,

    Great question! Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Trigeminal Neuralgia and migraine disease are thought to be comorbid conditions, meaning, they may occur at the same time but are not caused by one another. Not that we have attacks of both at the same time, which is certainly possible, rather we have both conditions. Does that make sense?

    I hope that is helpful!

    1. Thank you. Yes, it makes sense. Just very unfortunate.

  2. Hi rievaulx, I just came across your post, wondering how you are doing? I have been having migraine with aura and my doctor now believes I may have trigeminal neuralgia. I have the same, all my pain is on one side and where I experience tinnitus, jaw and tooth pain. I also have bruxism (teeth grinding) all my life.

    1. Hi Lacey - I hope will have time to respond to your question, but in the meantime I did want to say I'm glad you're reaching out to connect with someone who shares a similar challenge and to share with you the resources we have on the topic in case you haven't already taken a look at the following articles:
      We are here for you and are glad you are with us. Please let us know how we can best support you and what questions you may have. Warmly- Holly team.

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