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UK Status Migrainosus, cannot get treatment. Urgent help needed.

Hi there,

I’m still fairly new to the issue of having migraines as this has only been going on for just over a year now, with very few episodes. It’s been very manageable up until now, but on 14/02/2017 everything just went suddenly into overdrive.

I have had a epic 11-day status migrainousus and spent a day in hospital trying to get rid of it. But they wouldn’t give me any IV medication – no magnesium sulphate, no DHE, no keterolac – just ineffective Triptan pills.

What gives? What do I have to do to get the most effective abortive medicines? What can I do? Will they be prescribed only by a migraine specialist?

Could I have developed chronic daily headaches, or central sensitisation? Is there anything that can be done now? This has utterly destroyed my entire life and left me isolated, helpless and without relief. It has been accompanied by what has been diagnosed as Chronic Fatigue like symptoms, but I wonder now if this was always to blame.

Please help, I’m pretty desperate.

  1. HI CallumHurley,

    In case you didn't see my other response I'll post it again for you here;

    I’m so sorry no one responded to you sooner. I hope by now you are feeling better. You may want to seek out another doctor who is more educated on migraine and headache disorders. Maybe he can then request certain medications when you have extended migraine pain. I’m not sure how health care in the UK works, but it would be worth discussing.

    Have you seen this website? It’s an organization based in the UK that may have helpful information on it;

    I hope this helps,

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