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I come fro m a family with migraines my father my uncle an aunt and myself. Many years ago my fathers was tested by a doctor for several hours as to the cause of the migraine. nothing came of it. Later on my father would get up with a migraine would and to our doctor for a shot of his med this was before the doc made his rounds at the hospital. as for me if I had one my mother would prepare if I vomited. To end this as grew older 65+ the migraine grew less and they ended. So fare no one in the next genaration has them.

  1. Migraine disease is a complex neurological disorder with evident ties to heredity. I've spoken with many people with this disease throughout their family trees. I'm glad your attacks have ended as you've matured. One bright spot about having family members who also suffer from migraine is that they understand what we are experiencing. I think it's fantastic that migraine has not become a plague to the next generation in your family. Thanks for becoming part of our community. It's nice to have your shared experience here. Warmly, Cheryl team

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