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Wall of pain—intractable migraine

My migraine seems here to stay. It’s been over two months of 24/7anguish. I don’t get migraines. I get migraine. I had one for two years once. My life has been hinacked. Trying to sleep but 😰😰😰. So alone. I texted a ( now ex-) friend about my incapacitation and the looming possibility of severe permanent disability. She replied that she was “ sorry” I’d “ been unwell” with some chipper emojis portending a chummy, happy life. I’m in pain all day, every day. But usually around 4 or 5pm a first pain wall hits, laying me low. The a second comes about9 pm to finish me off. Then I try to sleep, tonight to no avail. I am not depressed. I very much want to live, but not on these terms. I’d never hurt myself, but sometimes I feel very, very desperate. My sweet Nellers, joy of my life

  1. Intractable migraine is awful - it wears us down and leaves us feeling overwhelmed and debilitated. There are things to do that may help break this nasty cycle I'd like to share with you here. As you know, I love sharing information!

    What a great picture of your companion! He/she looks like they are taking very good care of you. What the name?

    I'm sending you wishes for a low pain day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team Member

    1. , I get what you are living through. I was in that same place for a long time and despite having family with me I did feel great loneliness. I do have depressive symptoms, but this was next level for me. I've found that friends sometimes just don't know what to tell us because if they've been there with us they know we've heard it all. Even for me it's hard to find comforting words. I do spend a lot of time in prayer, and some of my closest friends often offer to pray for me and with me. For me, that is very comforting. The desperation is a scary line to walk alone. It's hard to share the dark thoughts with others when we are living on that line. Do you have anyone who can advocate for you? A person to help with the tedious tasks of finding care and getting you the support and acknowledgement you need? I bet your kitty would get it done for you if they could. Animals don't like us to be hurting. My 'therapy' cat, Branch is your cats twin. Virtual support is what I can offer you. I'm here to lend an ear and my experience. Just know you are not alone. Wishing you migraine-free days, Tom team

      1. Tom
        I wrote you a very long heartfelt reply but it wouldn’t post. What you wrote meant a lot to me and i looooove Branch! I’m exhausted now but I’ll try to reconstruct what I wrote tomorrow. Nellie , who will be 17 in April, sends hugs. Karen

        1. Karen, I'm sorry to hear that you had trouble with your post. I'm sure it was a beautiful, heartfelt post to Tom. Most importantly, it's wonderful to know that the message resonated with you so much. Rest up!
          Alene, Team Member

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