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Walton Centre Head Ache Diaries

Hello I was wondering if someone could help. I am completing my headache diaries (Walton Centre) and there are 3 categories. Clear, mild/moderate and severe. My question or rather a concern is this. Whilst I may have had a migraines and or headache which had now gone, the diary only gives one subsequent option which is clear. Now whilst I might be clear from a headache I am often exhausted after a migraine etc but as I don’t have a headache anymore, recording a clear day doesn’t feel accurate, can anyone advice as there is a lot riding on the outcome. Also stating moderate head ache seems to somehow trivialise how bad they can be but I only use severe for an actual migraine. So my ‘moderate’ headaches are actual still debilitating, but again the WC diaries aren’t really appropriate.

  1. Hi - I was able to find the diary you're completing online, and I can see how the instructions would be unclear if you're experiencing symptoms other than head pain. Did a doctor/provider ask you to complete this? If so, you might be able to get some clarification from them if they'd like details about the other symptoms you're having. You could also write down the symptoms of each migraine on a separate piece of paper, since there doesn't seem to be a ton of extra room on the diary you're using. Do either of those options seem feasible? - Cody (Team Member)

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