Happy Monday - today, fingers crossed, slight headache but no migraine. I know to take it easy today, I've finally caught on. That said...when I feel good, I used to be on cloud 9...and oh, I'll do this, that and the other thing, and sure! I'll volunteer for this, that and the other thing too. How things have changed. I'm down to basics. Since I was forced into retirement, I can take better care of myself, but the downside is everyone saying oh, you are retired, you can do this, that and the other thing. No. I've given up my Daughters of the American Revolution group, and any social activities other than family. And even that has gotten down to basics. Holidays aren't the extravaganza they used to be, however we actually have more fun that way. I can't take long drives with my husband, which I miss. I can't travel by car well so don't visit cousins like I would like to. However, I have alot of blessings, including this group. I pass on spicy food, or bring my own plain food for a pizza night. Please remember you aren't any good to anyone else unless you are good to yourself first. The best metophorical image I have is when you are on the plane and they tell you to put YOUR oxygen mask on first or you won't be able to help anyone else. And my purpose in life? It got me down alot with chronic migraine as I felt useless, and my employer made me feel very useless. But maybe my purpose is just to "be there" for my family. Four grown children know I'm in their corner, even if I'm hanging upside down in my dark closet (yes, we have come to the point of calling my migraines "vampire days", Mom is hanging upside down in her closet), you just as well laugh as cry. We all know, that is not easy though. I'm picking up a book on ACT therapy from the library today! Thanks to this forum, I'm educating myself so much more. I hope you are too - this forum is a blessing! I'm thinking of those of you that are in pain today and praying for you. Much love and care to all of you - Lisa