Hello, i am a 22 year old male....this time last year i was 92kg and i was drinking 6-7 beers a night 4-5 times a week other nights i had atleast 3.. during this year and a half of alcoholism i suffered NO migraines..although i was smoking less cannabis at the time and less tobacco, anyways a year on i quit alcohol and just stuck to cannabis, i am now 78kg, ripped and feel the greatest shape of my life but j have developed migraines, i have postdrome but no aura during the migraines, it is always on the left side, i get them 2-3 times a month and can last 3 days, postdrome includes dizziness, seeing spots and just feeling really weird plus night sweats....i have suffered migraines 3 years ago but only had 3 episodes and they went away and i wasnt drinking then either, also i have been hit in the head alot through fighting and been concussed but that was over 5 years ago, any conclusions? I also eat alot less then i used to but i still get vital nutrients.
EDIT: i sufferd from photophobia and visual snow since a kid, but have gotten used to them so i forgot to mention it.