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Why do I get them what’s causing the pain, why

  1. Hi
    That's the million dollar question!! We're not exactly sure what causes migraine, but do know it's a complex neurological disease falling on a spectrum from mild to severely debilitating. This link has good information on the pathophysiology of migraine;
    May I ask how many attacks you're getting? Here's why I ask; episodic migraine (14 or fewer migraine/headache days a month) can transform into chronic migraine (15 or more migraine/headache days a month) fairly quickly, without proper treatment and no one wants to be chronic! Have you had a chance to discuss this with your doctor?
    I'll stop with the questions now, and look forwrad to hearing back from you. In the meantime I'm wishing you a low pain day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (team member)

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