If your current nuerologist isn't helping i would definitely look for recommendations from people in local social media/ blogs for a new one. I had a nuerologist for several years that is supposed to be a migraine specialist but i felt as though the dr was cold and treated my migraine like everyone else's. It got to the point where the nuro said to me," What do you want to do?" but didn't offer me any solutions as if I was supposed to know the treatments and next steps to take. I am not a dr and do not have the knowledge to treat myself otherwise I wouldn't be seeking help. Frustrated with no where to go with that dr... i started looking for a new nuero.The thought of having to get a new dr had me anxiety ridden bc i didn't know if I was going to end up in the same situation but it was worth it. I was really lucky to get a recommendation for a wonderful nuero that listens to me and is treating my migraine, not everyone's migraine. It's wasn't easy but sometimes the big changes help us more than hurt us. I wish you the best. Sending ghost hugs!