So today was my long awaited appointment. 26 months to see a headache specialist in Calgary, AB. We are suppose to have one of the top headache clinics in North America - a group of psychologists, nutritionist, nurses and doctors that specialize in headache disorders.
Well I went in, answered the questions "yes I have tried lots of meds - inderal, topomax, cymbalta, and currently on vaporic acid, tramadol ER, zofran and evail", no I do not take my treatment meds (imitrex, baclofen, ketorolac) more than 10-15 days a month and never have. Yes I have tried Botox, cannabis oil, Chiro, acupuncture, massage, psyisotherpy, reflexology, craniosacral, healing touch.
And his response ...... well, you sure have tried almost all of the meds we can throw at migraines. Great, you REALLY don't know what you are talking about Doctor. What do I do about my severe pain flares? If I'm over my med limit and don't take anything, it keeps getting worse and then doesn't even respond to the meds when I end up in urgent care and they give up and send me home. He had no answers to that other than don't take your meds too often or you will get rebound. I KNOW THAT .... BUT I NEED OPTIONS on those days otherwise I will someday end up hit myself with a hammer just to get it to stop.
I have already tried a general neurologist as well you basically asks how the pain has been since the last time - no improvement - okay up your meds a tiny bit and see you in 6 months.
Since it's Alberta and all our health care is linked together I don't have an option to find another doctor and get another option. Travelling down to the states also isn't an option because I am completely broke now for fighting this daily pain for the past two years. I really don't know what to do now. I haven't had a pain free moment in over 2 years and the last time it was under a 4/10 was probably 3-4 months ago.