My Personal Experience with Migraine Supplements

I see a functional medicine practitioner about once or twice a year. She doesn't direct all my healthcare decisions; I see a conventional headache specialist for proper testing, medications and follow up. However, I've really valued having a practitioner to compliment the work of my doctor especially as she helps me to consider some non-traditional but highly effective options.

What supplement did my practitioner recommend?

In my last visit, she recommended Migranol. It's a supplement that contains riboflavin (vitamin B2), magnesium, and feverfew. I hadn't taken a migraine-specific supplements like this since my early days with migraine.

Back then, my conventional headache specialist shared that both feverfew and butterbur were two supplements that had been showing positive results in some preliminary studies. As with most supplements, the research wasn't in-depth, but knowing that I was open to supplements, she said I could give it a try.

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I tried both and I got great results. So, I maintained it for several years. I think I got to a place where I was feeling so good that I simply stopped taking them.

Was I hesitant to start taking Migranol?

But at my functional medicine practitioner's recommendation, I was happy to revisit them. I was in a season of life that was higher stress - physically, emotionally, and mentally. My family and I were in the middle of a move, so I needed all the support I could get to reduce the likelihood of me getting a migraine. I didn't have time to be laying in a dark room. I needed to be packing boxes and purging the items that we weren't taking with us.

So, I hopped online and ordered Migranol. I liked the fact that it was a combination of supplements because then it felt like I was getting the benefits of three supplements with just one capsule.

Did the supplement work?

I didn’t see immediate results, but I didn’t expect it because that’s not how supplements tend to work in the body. They need time to work.

As the days and weeks went on, I was starting to notice that I was having longer stretches without migraine attacks. It’s not something that jumped out to me at first, but it certainly was a nice experience as the days continued to add up.

I’m certainly not immune to a migraine attack by taking it. Don’t we all wish that it could be that easy! However, I do believe that it’s serving as an extra guard for me, and I’ll continue to take it because I’m getting results.

Would I recommend it to everyone?

Do I think that Migranol has a magic formula that will work for everyone living with migraine? No. Medicine can’t even offer us that. However, I do think it’s a helpful reminder for us to know that there are many tools that can support us in managing migraine. No one “tool” will be the remedy for everyone or every attack, but the more we can stack the odds in our favor, the better quality of life we can live.

So perhaps for you, there’s another supplement, product, or treatment that helps you to increase your chances of reducing the frequency and intensity of migraine.

In fact, if you have one, please share below. We love learning from our collective knowledge of this community here. Share what combination of treatment/remedies is most effective for you?

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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