My story, well I am not even sure where to begin...

My story, well I am not even sure where to begin. I have had migraine headaches I guess since I was sixteen . I thought everyone did. Just thought it was normal. Then at eighteen I got into banking. They became slightly more frequent. At 25 I had my first child, a little more frequent, (keep in mind this is just what I am blaming it all on in my mind) at 31 my second child they were more frequent. By 41 I had some degree of migraine every day of my life. To be honest it was probably long before then, I just didn't know what it was. For years I had already been on topomax daily , trying to control it and it already wasn't working. I had emergency migraine pills which I was using frequently . So here I am now 48 years old and I have an average of a 7 or 8 migraine everyday of my life. I went from a banking career where I made almost 70k a year to being lucky if a can work 15 hrs per week . My memory is horrible , I went into a store just recently, left my car running with the keys in it .... on top of all this the now have decided they think I have fibromyalgia. Such joy! Treatment wise they have exhausted drug wise all they want to try.... so now we are on to Botox treatments ... just completed round two ... some minor improvement this time . But nothing earth shattering yet . It has maybe shall we say taken the rough edges off . But that's about it , dulled the pain at best. So, that's my story :-)

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