Status Migrainosus
My 16-year-old daughter has had a headache now for 37 days. Things did move quickly with blood tests, MRI, and a consultation with a neurologist.
Her treatment plan
She was prescribed Amitriptyline 10mg, then 20mg, and now 30mg. 10 days ago she had a bilateral greater occipital nerve block. We were told that it might take a week to work.
She was prescribed Naproxen 200mg twice daily with Sumatriptan 50mg, if required, along with Prochlorperazine.
Her pain levels
During the day her headache is around a 6, never goes away, and can spike to a 10 at any time. Early evening is when things go wrong as this is her most painful time especially if she has washed her hair. It often results in her lying on the floor holding her head.
Looking for help
She has had an awful few and although we called NHS 24 (Scotland's telehealth organization) - they can't help. Her GP has contacted the neurologist and asked for her to be seen urgently.
As a parent, it is difficult to see your child in so much pain, and not be able to help. I have joined this community to get as much advice and information as we can to help make her life better.
Thanks for reading.
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