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A good meditation for pain

I have been using Belleruth Naparstek’s insomnia meditation for about a year. It has been very helpful. On Friday, disheartened, desperate, and with a body wracked by weeks of agony, I tried her pain meditation. It was really rather good. It’s not free ( around $6- $15 for unlimited listening on Audible and maybe other places) . But to me it’s worth it. The material is heavily researched and has scientific merit. And I just love her voice and the music. There are definitely countless free resources out there. But for me this small investment is really paying off. Just wanted to share this resource.

  1. thanks for sharing such a helpful resource. Guided meditations can be so helpful to help bring some comfort during a migraine attack and to simply help to pass the time. Thanks for sharing your recommendation. I love audible, so I might check it out!
    Alene, Team Member

    1. This is interesting! Thanks for sharing with us. I'm not the best meditator but I do really love listening to meditations, especially at bedtime. If you're interested in something else to try, I have the Calm app (we don't endorse any programs, it's just one I have for myself) and they actually have a meditation specifically for migraine. 😮 You have to pay for Calm, but if it's something you already have or just want to poke around with a trial, it might be worth looking up. Grateful for all of the amazing contributions you're making here! 😀 -Melissa, migraine team

      1. HI - Dawn Buse, PHD is terrific. Her guided meditations are specifically for migraine. The best I've found! (and free!) Give it a try!

        1. going to have a look. Thank you so very much.

        2. thanks for sharing such a helpful resource. For those people who are trying out meditation for the first time and curious about the results, do you listen to these on a regular basis for better prevention or do you use them during a migraine to bring some relief or comfort?
          Alene, Team Member

      2. Not sure why, but "Refractorymigraine" just appeared in my post. Not from me.

        1. Not sure either to be honest. If this continues, will you please let us know! Thanks in advance, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team Member

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