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I was referred by a friend about taking Ashwagandha for my chronic migraine. I am wondering if anyone else has been told about this or tried it and if they can give me their opinion. At this point spending $10 online to get a possible relief sounds ok, but I feel like I am on so many supplements already trying to battle this condition that I may do more harm than good. Any advice would be helpful.

  1. Hi debbieleq,

    Thank you for your question. I've not heard of Ashwagandha before, especially not for treating migraine disease. If you are interested in using supplements to treat migraine, there is plenty of information on those that have been proven to help migraine disease. Magnesium, Co Enzyme Q10, butterbur and information on many others can be found in this article;

    Best of luck and let us know how you make out,

    1. Ok so here is an update. I did decide to try the Ashwagandha and it has helped. I feel less anxiety even during a severe attack. I also have felt more energized. Hoping for the best.

      1. Hi debbieleq,

        I was just thinking about you!!

        Thank you so much for the update. I'm happy to hear you are feeling less anxiety - that's plus!


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