I made it to Jefferson headache center today and the doctor immediately wanted to admit me today. Unfortunately, they didn’t have a bed so I am going back tomorrow morning. I was there 2 years ago and he wanted to admit me but I was so afraid and then my health got side tracked with other things.i had hernia surgery twice and a reaction to immunoglobulin therapy twice. The reactions to the immunoglobulin product each set me back months. I needed to go on steroids for each reaction and had to do a slow steroid taper with each incident. That in itself was horrific and caused me more migraines. They actually told me the reaction to the IVIG was aseptic mengitis. They did not do a spinal tap but said that his sometimes happens as a reaction to the IVIG. The migraines were brutal.
Anyway, I thought I put that behind me and lived along with my daily right sided crushing headaches and weekly stabbing in the eye migraines but three weeks ago I woke with a killer headache/migraine/tension headache. I had a tough band across the back of the neck, into the traps, down the spinal colum , up the back of the head ,across the forehead and temple. In addition I woke feeling drunk and was off balance. I was told by a different neurologist it was vestibular migraine. Relpax helped the stabbing in the eye but the rest was a nightmare. I have yet to completely recover.
I had trigger point injections with lidocaine only in the neck and mid back and muscle relaxants to help. It’s been a rough 3 weeks and still struggling. Today was a straightforward decision by the doctor to admit me.
This has been going on so long and has gotten so worse. Of course I have my fears about the treatment but at this point don’t feel I have a choice. I cant live like this and need help. I want to get back to my normal daily headaches that still allow me to function. I know it’s
Complicated by the fact that I have different migraines/headaches going on at the same time and of course anxiety setting in when they occur or don’t go away.
I will try to post my experience while I am there. I