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Anyone Experiencing Flashing Light in Corner of Eye When Blinking?

This is not consistent. The flashing light is random however it is in the same eye and in the same location. I noticed this about the same time I started Emgality I have been to a Retina Specialist whom cleared me from his standpoint. Recommend I go to Neuro and get MRI😳.

  1. Hi LucyK71,

    Thank you for reaching out to us with your question. It's good to hear you were cleared by a retina specialist.

    I occasionally have random flashes of light in my eyes. In my case, my doctors have assured me everything is in order.

    It's always a good idea to get everything checked out when we have new and/or different symptoms.

    Hopefully others will be along soon to share their experiences with you.

    Will you keep us posted?

    1. Yes, I get random flashing lights but not consistently in the same eye. I call it my Haley's Comet ..... had it for years, usually a sign that a migraine aura will come within days or even weeks.

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