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Migraine isn't "just a headache." We've said it so often that we sound like broken records and every time we do, we wonder, "How is this disease still so misunderstood and stigmatized?"
Use this space to share the most surprising and frustrating comments you've heard and how you've responded.
Prettymomma Member
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"You don't look like there is anything wrong with you. " is the most frustrating comment. I am still trying to figure out how to respond to that one. It hurts so bad to have someone say that. Thay don't know this disease has upended my life.
Alene L. Brennan, RYT Member
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I had a boss in one of my first corporate jobs that didn't understand migraines and it was so challenging. Dealing with a migraine is hard enough, so having someone doubt the experience only makes it harder.
I'm glad that you're part of this community here with people who know how strong and resilient you need to be to manage migraines. That is you - strong and resilient! - Alene, moderator
CommunityMember485 Member
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VanetiaW Member
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I have been told "Oh! So the problem is you!" The assumption is that it is a spiritual or psychological problem and I just need to get on top of things. That makes me very any. I keep having to tell these people that the brain is an organ too and it can get sick, that doesn't mean it is a spiritual issue.
Kittycatmom Member
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Cody Leach Community Admin
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I think it's completely valid that you sometimes wish all the migraine naysayers would get one so that they understand better. In fact, we have an entire article dedicated to this topic. Check it out here: And if you have the time, feel free to let me know what you thought about it. It's one of my favorites! - Cody (Team Member)
debaus Member
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All my life I have been hearing these same statements - "you look fine" or "you were fine a minute ago"
These statements combined with "your quiet" are just so frustrating as well soul destroying
Yes I may look fine but I'm not and a few minutes ago I was fine but now the aura has started and I just know what is next.
Yes I am quiet - every bit of my energy is being taken up with trying to see the computer screen, concentrating on not throwing up and telling myself that it might not be a bad one this time.
So much of our energy is spent trying to appear "normal" and "carry on" when we have a migraine or are recovering from one because we fear these type of comments and the silent commendation of our co-workers and managers when we either try and wait it out to the end of the work day or have to leave early.
Migraine is a debilitating illness, not an excuse to get off work early, or to get out of attending a family function or spending time with friends
Treasure those friends and family who whilst they might not truly understand what is happening support you never the less.
Celebrate those co-workers who offer to drive you home or take over your work without a fuss - they are rare but they are out there
Nancy Harris Bonk Member
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Oh boy, dizziness can be awful, I'm sorry you are going through this. Although it's a fairly common migraine attack symptom, it's always a good idea when new symptoms and/or patterns crop up to let the doctor know so he/she can make sure everything checks out OK. Pain free wishes heading your way, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team
Alene L. Brennan, RYT Member
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happywanderer Member
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"I get those too. I just take Tylenol and go to aerobics class."
Cody Leach Community Admin
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Completely hear what you're saying,
happywanderer Member
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