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Has anyone had any issue taking the Botox injections that are not listed as possible side effects?

  1. Hi
    Thank you for posting your question. Have you started getting Botox? While we wait for others to join the conversation, I'll share my experience and some resources from our site.
    I've been getting Botox since August 2016 with good results. I've not had too many potential side effects until this last time when my doctor lowered a few injections in and around my brows per my concern about some wrinkles..... I had some extended pain from that but it dissipated after a bit. Other than being a tiny bit sore after the injections, I've had a pretty good experience with this preventive medication.
    I did want to mention it's very important to have a skilled provider do the injections and follow the migraine protocol. This makes a huge difference, in my opinion.
    Something else to keep in mind is that not everyone will experience potential side effects. I can tell you I put off Botox for years because of my fear of side effects. I'm now sorry I waited so long.
    We have a lot of conversation on this site about Botox I can share with you here;
    I hope this is beneficial and I look forward to hearing more from you, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team Member

    1. Hi there - thank you for your question. I’ve been having Botox injections for 20+ years. I share my experiences (including side effects) here: I hope that resource may prove help to you. Please let me know if you have any specific questions I might be able to answer. Have you tried this treatment yet or are you considering it? We are here for you to provide information and support anytime. Warmly - Holly - team

      1. I've had hair loss since starting Botox Injections about 4 years ago

        1. Thank you for sharing this with us. I'm sorry you are dealing with hair loss. I understand how devasting this can be as I'm experiencing it although not from Botox. Have you had a chance to mention this to your doctor? Did they have any suggestions for you? Looking forward to hearing from you, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team Member

        2. thank you for sharing the side effect of hair loss. Such a troubling one. This is one I hadn’t heard connected to Botox though we have heard it related to migraine overall and some other medications. For those who may like to learn more, here’s a resource on this topic: Warmly - Holly - team

      2. Thanks for the quick response . The reason I posted the question is that since I started the injections 1 1/2 years ago I have noticed "tremors" when I am perfectly still. This is not something I have had in the past and wondering if anyone else my be having the same or similar problem. If I don't answer a response quickly bear with me as I am a old fart. Thanks for your time.

        1. No worries at all . The best source of information to determine if your Botox may be causing tremors is from the person who does the injections. Have you discussed it over with your doctor? While many people may be able to share their own experience, your prescriber can make a more informed decision as to whether these tremors are from Botox or something else. - Cody (Team Member)

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