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So.. my husband send me a link to the FDA approving the Cefaly device for migraine patients. In the brief time I've reviewed it, have heard its "the miracle" and heard its a dud... curious if anyone out in this community has tried it themselves, and if so was it successful? Looks like its been around for a couple of years, and yet when I searched the site here, no returns were found.

  1. Hi Michele,

    This device has just recently been approved by the FDA for migraine prevention and hasn't been available until now. The Cefaly is not a 'cure' (there is not cure for migraine disease right now) but is approved for migraine prevention.
    I haven't tried this but know people who have with little results and then others who find it helpful.
    Here is our information this device;


    1. Here's my review of it: Be sure to check the comments to see what others think of it.

      I, too, have heard some people who found relief with it and others who did not. It is returnable within 60 days if it doesn't work for you, but you'll be out the cost of shipping both ways.


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