Hey folks - for the past two weeks, constant nausea and migraine. I can't even drive - which is so unusual for me. Smells - from my daughters dog to food, make me want to vomit. This nausea is driving (no pun intended) nuts. My daughter wanted me to help out with picking up her new car yesterday and I couldn't...she thought I was crazy because I said the motion will make me vomit (plus she uses air fresheners in her old car). I have Rx Promethezine, which is great, but it knocks me out and I'm so tired I can't function. I miss going for drives, traveling, but even the thought makes me want to vomit. Weird thing last night too - woke up at 3am and felt like the bed was moving back and forth. And no...no drinking - as we all know...heck, I haven't had a drink since I don't know when as it gives me a migraine. Any thoughts, suggestions? Consulted physician and all they said is that they will refer me to "pain management". Thanks in advance. -Lisa