I endured a traumatic brain injury 3++ years ago with damage to the inner ear, ocular nerves and cervical spine as well. Although I have been slowly healing over the years, I still suffer from migraine almost daily (at different intensities).
What is most peculiar though are the fevers that come with it. Rather than the telltale aura most people get as their migraines are coming on; I start to get a light fever every time...my temperature will spike instantly a degrees or two with the slightest trigger and then I know the rest of my migraine symptoms will follow.
This can and will happen multiple times a day, regardless of how badly the other symptoms get for me (migraine head/face/neck pain, vertigo, light sensitivity, ears popping of muffled, nausea, inability to focus, disorientation, and some others)... regardless of what’s coming, it always starts with fever.
The fevers; although never higher than 100.3, always feel like a full on fever: feeling too hot, then getting chills, fatigue, body aches, cloudy thinking. I even feel My eyes, the inside of my mouth and the air I breathe out very hot. All the symptoms of have a fever because I’m sick - but I’m not! And this is on and off on an almost daily basis.
I’ve seen tons of doctors and taken all kinds of tests, and still no one can figure out why exactly I get the strange fevers that come with my migraines.
About 6 months ago I started on Aimovig, a monthly shot for migraines. It is the first medication that almost made me feel normal again and gave me most of my life back! It seemed to halt or hide all of my migraine symptoms - including the fevers - until it would wear off at the end of the month. Unfortunately for me, the effect of the drug stopped working all together last month, so now I’ve just started on Emgality, which similar. I think my body builds a resilience to products and medications quickly, but for now, I still have more better days on it then without it.
Hope it may help anyone else reading this.
Open to more ideas and hearing other people’s experiences with dealing with fevers.