I am in the UK and the only CGRP drugs available at the moment are Aimovig and Ajovy . We don't have Emgality , Lasmiditan or the gepants yet but maybe I will be able to try in the near future .
I don't think blocking CGRP benefits me as Aimovig caused me to have constant flu like symptoms and exacerbated my asthma . Ajovy didn't make me sick but made migraines more frequent and harder to treat .
I've failed 14 preventative medications so far including Botox ; GON block ; antidepressants ; anti epilepsy and cardio drugs .
On top of that I've tried magnesium ,feverfew , B2 , going vegetarian , you name it !
No matter what I try ( medication or lifestyle adjustments ) nothing stops my progression , and I'm now at the stage of daily migraine.
Happy days .