As a male, I never had the "change of life" end of migraine promise, that I had heard others sometimes speak of. And to be honest, I don't think that I ever actually spoke to any woman who had actually experienced this phenomenon.
As I age, I think that some of the damage done years ago due to concussions playing football in high school have started to catch up to me, and may be starting to have some effect. Nothing serious, but enough that my migraines are near daily, and when I get one that is high on the scale, it stays there for several days. Now that it has become nearly impossible for me to obtain any medications which I used to use to abort the really bad ones, I just have to wait them out. I have found a new neurologist who is working with me, and is using Aimovig, to see if that will work with me. However, since nothing over the last 40 years really has helped me much at all, I am not confident that this is going to work either, even though it has a different mechanism. But I am not giving up hope. This doctor is young, and committed to continue until he finds something that will work. So I will be as well.