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Has anyone had there right arm go limp before a few hours before migraine started

Has anyone had there right arm go limp before migraine starts

  1. Yes, I've experienced that! Sometimes, a migraine can cause temporary numbness or weakness in an arm before the pain hits. It's always good to check with a doctor.

    1. thank you for sharing that valuable tip. You are right!! Anytime something is new, or, concerning, we always need to inform our provider. I hope that you are doing well and continue to be part of the community. (Tonya, team member).

  2. Hi - Thanks so much for posting your question to the forums. Muscle weakness is a rare, but entirely possible symptom of migraine. They are most often found in those who experience hemiplegic migraines. Have you ever been given a diagnosis like this before? Here's a link to more info: and If this is a new symptom for you, I also encourage you to discuss it with a qualified health professional. Only a doctor can differentiate between a hemiplegic migraine and a stroke. They share very similar characteristics, and it's important to get checked out if you have any concerns.

    Best, - Cody (Team Member)

    1. I've had it happen during a migraine, specifically a hemiplegic one.

      1. I am so sorry that you too, have experienced the inability to use your arm while experiencing migraine symptoms. I have never had this happen, but a dear friend, goes through this a lot. Sending hugs to you. I know it may be scary when dealing with that. Hang in there!! (Tonya, team member).

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