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Has anyone tried Vyepti

I have had migraines for 20 plus years. I have tried everything and nothing has worked. Right now I am on Qulipta but not seeing results yet. My doctor wants to try Vyepti and I am wondering if anyone has tried it and what do you think about it. I am always afraid of trying something new because of side effects. I already have stomach issues and have heard that it has effected some people with problems with their stomach. I need help because I really need something to work. I am totally frustrated.

  1. Hi there - thanks so much for posing this important question on Vyepti. I totally understand your frustration with the sense you've tried everything to no avail. So many of us here can relate to this feeling! And also to the fear of trying something new- the process of trying new treatments can be exhausting due to the introduction of new potential side effects and waiting to see if they are effective. Our hopes are raised and then so many times dashed while we might have to manage uncomfortable side effects on top of the relentless discomfort of migraine.
    We have several resources on Vyepti- I'm going to share the overall search page on the topic and invite you to go through the various articles in hopes you'll find something that will prove most helpful. It doesn't look like we have a forum page on the side effects of this treatment yet as it is still relatively new but other community members have asked for input and you'll see that some folks have responded. Take a look here and see what you find: And hopefully others will respond to your request directly here. Thanks again for your post- we're glad you're with us. Warmly- Holly team.

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