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Hi, it's me. Yesterday I woke up with a weird stomach ache, then when I got up it felt like a barfy migraine, which I haven't had for 30 days. I have lots of pressure in my head. I have been letting go of some of my meds that have made me dizzy and made my mouth dry. I'm down to 1 amitriptyline and half of a betahistine, so I am having withdrawals or have my migraines come back. I was getting needles for my back and migraines but after the latest ones I have been getting dizzy. Then I got an eye and sinus infection. As you can tell, I am confused! What is causing all this pressure in my head ? It doesn't feel like any migraine I have had before and my eyes are blurry. I'm trying not to let my anxieties take over. Has anyone felt all these symptoms before? Please let me know because I'm pretty much freaking out. -Susan

  1. Hello there Susan! I'm sorry you are experiencing those symptoms. Any time we experience new or different symptoms it can cause us to be worried. Have you contacted your doctor to get their advice as to what may be causing the new symptoms? They may want to see you to better evaluate what you're experiencing. Having sinus and eye infections along with migraine is rough. I can understand why you are feeling out of sorts. A sinus infection can also mess with your inner ear which could lead to dizziness feeling. I'd give your doctor a call or get evaluated at an urgent care facility just to be safe and give you peace of mind. Warmly, Cheryl migraine community team

    1. - Hi Susan- I'm so sorry to hear how you are struggling right now. I can understand why you'd be feeling concerned with these various new symptoms occurring.
      May I ask if you are in touch with your doctor as you make these changes to your medications? The questions you are asking are almost all best asked of your doctor. Given that you are shifting medication levels and experiencing what you describe as withdrawal, it seems the best idea is to be in close touch with your doctor's office as you move through this window of time to ensure you do so safely.
      Are you able to call your migraine doctor today? If not, given these are new symptoms, I would encourage you to call your GP and/or consider a visit to urgent care. We are here for you and would be interested in hearing how you are faring later if you have the time and energy to check in after you consult with a healthcare provider.
      Warmly - Holly (team member)

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