Hi everyone,
I am new to the forum. This is the first one that appeared in my search for forums.
My almost 17 year old daughter had what looked like a stroke about 8 days ago. I immediately took her to emerge. I tried to get her to the children's hospital, but, her face started to droop, so I took her to the nearest hospital.
They didn't offer any real explanation as to what was going on so they sent us home. I also want to mention that this occurrence lasted approximately four hours.
Five days later, she had another attack. This time we headed to the children's hospital. They mentioned the possibility that it was a hemiplegic migraine.
They gave her a migraine cocktail. Again, this episode lasted about four hours.
Her symptoms included: loss of coordination, difficulty speaking and tight clasping of her hands.
She will be getting an EEG next week. I am totally freaking out as just watching her go through this is so scary and I can't do anything about it.
They seem to be triggered by sounds or touching certain things.
Has anyone experienced these? I really don't know what I'm asking here. How do you cope? Is there anyone out there that also experiences these?
Thank you for any information you can provide!!!