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I'm having difficulty with figuring out when I'm having neuralgia flares and when it's migraine.

  1. Sorry you are experiencing nerve pain. I'm curious which nerve is flaring? With migraine, it's very common to have occipital nerve pain and trigeminal nerve pain because the process of migraine is activating those nerves. Not everyone feels it as strongly. I happen to have migraine plus trigeminal neuralgia - which means I have trigeminal pain that stands alone separate from my migraine. But, since having trigeminal neuralgia my migraine has a more "electric" feel to it now which makes it worse.

    Migraine attacks for me typically have head pain (side of my head) as well as light and sound sensitivity. Trigeminal nerve pain tends to focus on my bottom back teeth/jaw and my cheek/sinus area. In my cheek I'll have shocking pain, while my lower teeth/jaw pain is the continuous comittant version where it's very achy but stronger than an ache- boring pain describes it well for me. It's often triggered by touch, wind, eating something cold, crunchy, etc. It's just the nerve pain, I don't have a lot of other symptoms like I do with migraine.

    I hope this helps a bit and I hope you are able to find ways to treat both your migraine and your nerve pain! I wrote an article trying to sort through things myself.

    -Anna Williams (Team Member)

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